Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

     It's "Worship Wednesday!" Many people wonder why bad things happen to good people. I decided to post about about why bad things happen to good people because this question could keep a Christian from loving and believing in God. I took these notes on a sermon by my youth pastor...

Title: Why do bad things happen to good people?
Genesis 1:1-31

1. Creation: God created everything that we can and can not see. Genesis 1:27
- At creation, man (human) and God had a perfect relationship.
- Everything's about relationship
- God doesn't force us into a relationship with him... he give's us the choice.
- God wants you to love him by choice, not by will.

2. Fall: creation will, and has fallen by sin.
- The thought that comes to your mind when you hear God's name is the most important description of you.
- How do you view God? What do you think about when you hear God's name?
- Jesus chose to love you and such a way that he died for you.
- The price of sin is death. This makes our relationship with God right.
- Why doesn't God just stop all evil and sin? He already has. Now it's up to you to chose the path of peace, or the path of destruction.
- "It is finished", those are the words Jesus spoke on the cross as he was dying. He's saying that sin is over, and that he's made a way.
- Sin will end throughout all the earth when Jesus returns.
- God uses sin to lead others to himself.
- God wants a relationship with everyone. For he created everyone.
- Why did god let Adam and Eve sin? Because then human wouldn't have what God intended them to have... free will to love him, or to not.

How to respond to bad things when they happen to you, or to other good people:
1. Realize that it's not God doing it, it's yourself and the devil.
2. Realize that it's OK to be upset about it!
3. Look for the lesson God want's you to see through it, and the good that will come out of it. 

     If this doesn't answer your question about why bad things happen to good people, comment:) Hopefully this gives you a lot of hope! To see more posts like this, check back on my blog every Wednesday throughout the month of February! ~ Izzy

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