Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why Should I Tithe?

Many people don't think it's important to tithe your money to the church and to give everything you have to God. Some people are afraid to, and some people don't know how to, some people even don't want to or feel like they can't.
     I found this scripture one night as I was reading my bible and I think it will help a LOT with the concept of tithing and giving all you have to God. 

Matthew 19:16-30
16Then the man came to Jesus and said, "Teacher, what good deed should I do to gain eternal life?" 17Jesus said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you want to enter into life, obey the commandments." 18"Which commandments?" the man asked. Jesus said, "Never murder. Never commit adultery. Never steal. Never give false testimony. 19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbors as you love yourself." 20The young man replied, "I have obeyed all these commandments. What else do I need to do?" 21Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, sell what you own. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then follow me!" 22When the young man heard this, he went away sad because he owned a lot of property. 23Jesus said to his disciples, "I can guarantee this truth: it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of Heaven. 24I can guarantee again that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." 25He amazed his disciples more then ever when they heard this. "Then who can be saved?" they asked. 26Jesus looked at them and said, "It is impossible for people to save themselfs, but everything is possible for God." 27Then Peter replied to him, "Look, we've given up everything to follow you. What will we get out of it?" 28Jesus said to them, "I can guarantee this truth: When the son of man sits on his glorious throne in the world to come, you, my followers, will also sit on the twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Isreal. 29And everyone who have up his homes, brothers or sisters, father, mother, children, or fields because of my name will receive a houndred times more and will inherit eternal life. 30However, many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."

If you really listened and understood this, you'd know that if you give everything up just to get one houndred times more then what you gave, you won't. Jesus didn't tell the young man that asked him, that he would receive one houndred times more. To receive the houndred times more, you need to offer what you already have and ALL of it to God willing to serve him, and doing it only to serve him before you gain more. And the only way to give it all willing to serve God is by trusting in him and his promise, a and trusting ably comes with believing and a relationship with God. 

(Click the 'read more' button to hear more from me) 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to Organize a Small Space

I share a room with one of my sisters, (and most of the time I'm the only one that cleans), so today I will share with you guys how I organize a small space that I share with my older sister, with 5 steps.
    1. Go through everything
First you'll want to go through everything in the space you'd like to organize. If it's something that is not used on a daily basis, something that isn't important, you should put it away somewhere safe, like a storage box or something. Then put daily uses, and important stuff in a separate pile for now.
    2. What space are you organizing? Find a place for the things on it
So now that you've put all of the things you normally don't use away, it's time to organize all the things that you do need.
If you're organizing a desk, try to minimize all the pictures and nick-nacks you have sitting around, maybe to just a small picture or two. Try to avoid stacks of papers and junk on your desk, those can be filed or put in a folder. If you have a little pencil pouch or container for your pens and pencils put them there in a small corner of your desk. Goodies and junk should be put in a junk box or space. Maybe you keep hair and makeup stuff on your desk instead of school supplies. You can put all your hair stuff in a tall container or drawer underneath your desk. Makeup can be put in jars or small tins. And perfume, hand sanitizers, lotions, etc. can be put on a small platform like a picture frame, you can lay a picture frame on your desk and it make a perfect little space for your perfumes.
If your organizing a closet, You should buy or find some good fabric hangers to keep your clothes from falling and pus them to the back of you closet rack. Put your winter clothes in the back of you closet if it's summer, and summer clothes in the back if it's winter. If you'd like you can color coordinate you clothes (I don't but it's just a suggestion). I like to keep all mine and my sister's shoes in a bucket that's stored in our closet. Put everything in sections (Dresses in one, shirts, skirts, jackets, etc.).
     3. Keep it clean and neat
Every night (or at least I try every night, some are too busy), I tidy up my room. Mainly the places that get cluttered, my desk. It's SO helpful to clean or tidy up your room daily or even every other day (maybe even once a week depending on your schedule), then to let the clutter pile up and the messiness continue. It's really easy and if you just put the things where you organized them you'll find it a lot more helpful.

(Click the 'read more' button to hear more from me)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How to Get Along With Siblings

    I have three sisters, one being one year older then me, 
and two within two-three years younger then me. I am writing this post with, tips, fun games, and ways to get along with your siblings to help you all with your brothers and sisters. Some of you may be an only child, some of you may have one older brother, two younger brothers, a little sister, three big sisters, or even a whole bunch of brothers and sisters! Whatever amount of siblings you have or however your family may be built, I'm writing this post for you so you can become better friends, and brother or sister with your siblings. I will be referring most things to a family type like mine, but please take it into your own situations and family type so it refers to you better. Here is how I get along with my sisters.
     My sisters and I are very close and we each have a completely different relationship with one another. We do that by spending time with each other. Playing games, telling secrets, etc. Ever since we were babies we'd play games together which build relationships, like house, baby dolls, make plays/musicals, hide-and-go seek, wrestling, fashion show, dinosaurs, tinker-toys, etc. Even though we are older now we still play and do things together! Sometimes we do salon, tag, kick-ball, hair, all that kind of fun stuff for teens/tweens! With each sibling you'll find a new unique relationship. With one of my sisters, we tell secrets, another sister looks up to me, and another sister has been with me ever since I was born! God put the siblings that you have in your family for a very great reason! They are your meant to be, perfect best friends. So kind of like a perfect match! Here is what the Bible says about being best friends with your sisters: Proverbs 7:4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call insight your intimate friend.
     Sticking up for your sisters is also very important. If your sister (or brother) is having a problem with a rude or mean friend, stick up for them by watching for what the friend is doing to hurt your sibling and putting an end to it. Or even if you have a friend that doesn't like your siblings, hates how your sisters are always there when they spend the night at your house, tells them "no" and doesn't want them around or to hang out with you and her, then they don't deserve to be your friend. Only a true friend will  except both you and you sisters (or brothers too). If your friend brings any of your siblings trouble, don't be friends with them anymore. Sisters before friends. My Mom always tells us that "Friends will come and go, but sisters will always be forever."
    It's also important to not fight with your siblings. It is normal and 'ok' to fight, but not all the time for no reason. To avoid fights, lay down your personal boundaries. Let your siblings know what things are personal items, things they are no aloud to borrow or touch because it's sentimental or personal, tell them what you're 'ok' and 'not ok' with doing or saying. But do it in a kind way and ask your siblings what their boundaries are too. If you do get in a fight with your siblings, try to see from their point of view first, realize what you may be doing wrong, and try nicely to work out your fight before going to you guardian, Grandparents, or Parents.

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