Sunday, September 29, 2013

3 Best Apps

Hey everyone! I decided to do something a little different today by posting my persional top three favorite apps for my iPhone! My first choice was easy.... Instagram!

1. Instagram

Instagram is a social media app much like FaceBook. It's in the same categories as Twitter, FaceBook, etc. It allows you to create an account and share (post) photos that will appear on your feed and on everyone else's who follows you. On your feed will appear photos that everyone you follow post. You can like photos and comment on them. Instagram really gets you interested and  in-to photography. It's a great way to meet new friends and get to know other people better! I'd definitely recommend it!!! And if you're worried about random people viewing your photos you can flip the switch on Instagram settings to be a private user! Check out my Instagram:

2. Pinterest 

Pinterest is another social media app. You can download this app on your phone and use the website .
On Pinterest you can pinn things straight from a website you like (You can pin this post by using the pin button on the conner of this picture). You can also re-pin things on Pinterest so they show up on you account. On your account you create different sections of pins (AKA- boards). Things you can pin on Pinterest are: fashion outfits/tips, makeup looks and brands, craft, hair, and makeup tutorials, recipes, things like 'traveling ideas', 'how to through a party', 'DIY dresses', 'how to save money', etc. You pin pictures like you do on Instagram but you can click (tap) on a picture and it leads you to the website for the information. I'd definitely look into Pinterest because it's so useful for EVERYTHING! I may have not of explained it well but once you check it out it will all make sense on how to use it! (comment any questions). Link to my Pinterest account

3. Polyvore

Polyvore is another app for my iPhone.... and yes, a social app! I absolutely love this app because it allows you to make outfit, home, & makeup designs! You have an unlimited selection of every type of clothing you can think of, accessories, shoes, etc. to put on a collage with a plane white background. You can do the same with furniture and decor. You can also look through makeup and make a collage of it. You can put text on your design, frames, articles, everything! Polyvore leans or is made for professional designers and stuff but it's still super easy and fun for anyone who loves fashion and designing! You can publish your designs on your account and look through other account's posts! If you've downloaded your Polyvore account be sure to check mine out: pinkdancer247
I hope you all liked or can relate to this post!! I'd love to see you all on my accounts! I'll be posting some Church notes and a fashion post soon, so stay tuned for more from me!


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